Dr. Greg Ritson-Bennett

Dr. Greg Ritson-Bennett

Friday, January 22, 2010

LTBK Board Chair, Ian Hill Visits Innisfail

The park committee met Ian Hill on January 18th to discuss their vision and hope for Innisfails' new park. The committee is excited about the plan and eager to bring the neighborhood onboard.
Let Them Be Kids and Kool-Aid have partnered to help build stronger communities across Canada and help bring affordable fun and play to all children and families. Innisfail was selected as one of 10 communities to receive the Let Them Be Kids-Kool-Aid Smile Award, providing support and resources to help make this community project a success.

Innisfail (Saturday, January 23, 2010) – Chosen as one of ten national awards, a group of volunteers from Innisfail will re-develop the park in their neighbourhood on June 5, 2010. This initiative will receive strong support and leadership provided by Let Them Be Kids and Kool-Aid, and the Town of Innisfail.

These “Playground Champions” will spend the next four months engaging their neighbourhood and all of Innisfail in re-designing and improving the park located at 46 Avenue and 48 Street. “We are very excited to be part of this project. This park will be a place where my family can go and meet other people, children and families in our neighbourhood, “says Denise Bouw.

The improvement plan includes the creation of a new playground and much more. “This park is a place I want to take my grandchildren. It has great potential and I want a safe and fun place for my grandchildren to play”, Mary Fleming adds.

“This is going to be an exciting and wonderful day for our community,” says Cindy Dunbar. "The children in our neighbourhood are looking forward to a safe and welcoming place to play. As a resident of that neighbourhood, the park can serve as a gathering place – a place to get to know our neighbours. We are grateful to Let Them Be Kids for helping us get started and to Kool-Aid for their tremendous support in challenging us to do something good for the kids in our community.

“We are proud to award Innisfail as one of the 10 Let Them Be Kids-Kool Aid Smile award recipients for 2010. It is clear that the organizing committee is passionate and driven, and it is also clear that the community of Innisfail is a special place. We are looking forward to the awesome job that the community will do for the kids on June 5th ” said Ian Hill Chairman of the Board of Directors for Let Them Be Kids.

Although the planning will occur over the next few months, on June 5th, it is hoped that hundreds of Innisfail residents will volunteer to be a part of a one-day event that will see the communities dreams come together and the park built!