Dr. Greg Ritson-Bennett

Dr. Greg Ritson-Bennett

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Pictures from the Day

A HUGE thank you goes out to Marcel Keays - the man behind the lens - who captured the spirit of our day so well. We are posting just a few of the many that he took here on the website, but please feel free to head over to Marcel's website to check out the other 460! You can find them at http://www.marcelkeays.blogspot.com.

Thanks again to all of you who came out and gave us a big hand - you look great!


Monday, June 7, 2010

Thank you for your great work

On behalf of the Let Them Be Kids organization, and the local Innisfail playground committee, I would like thank you for helping with the outstanding effort this past Saturday! Although I could not be there myself, I did watch the live broadcast and it looked like everything went awesome(here is the link for you to watch some of the interviews from that day http://www.ustream.tv/channel/ltbk---innisfail . We are an all volunteer organization with no paid staff, so we know how hard it is to pull something like this off. Your local committee did an outstanding job and should be commended for the hours, days, weeks and months they spent on this project. They took time from their own families to make the community better. All of you should be very proud of what you have done as well, because you gave time, talent and many of you gave your treasure to make the community better for kids and families. I would suggest that your collective efforts sent out a ripple of hope, that will affect your community for years to come, I encourage you to remember the spirit and sense the of community you felt last Saturday and draw upon that as you all work together to build a thriving community for the kids and families of today and for the generation to come. I have attached the team picture for you to keep as both a thank you and also a reminder of what can happen when communities come together… Again thank you and stay well, cheers-Ian

Sunday, June 6, 2010

It's Built!!

Well, June 5th finally arrived and what a day it was!! A HUGE thank you to all of our volunteers. We can't believe just how incredibly everything went. All of you who came out were exceptional volunteers and we cannot thank you for everything you did on that day.

A huge thanks to all of our donors and to all of those who spread the word about what this project means.

Thanks to everyone who did an interview for our live broadcast, too!

It was beautiful to see all the kids run on to the playground and jump on the play structure. There were lots of kids still there last night and again today!!

We hope this is a day we talk about for a very long time. Pictures coming soon!

Please feel free to leave your thoughts on this blog so we can keep the conversation going.