Dr. Greg Ritson-Bennett

Dr. Greg Ritson-Bennett

Monday, March 8, 2010

Press Release

Our park, Our Neighbourhood, Our Future … Park redevelopment brings the community together!

Innisfail (Monday, March 10, 2010) – Chosen as one of ten national awards, a group of volunteers from Innisfail will re-develop the park in their neighbourhood on June 5, 2010. This initiative will receive strong support and leadership provided by Let Them Be Kids, Kool-Aid Canada, and the Town of Innisfail.

This past month, the community was invited to help design the playground structure. Over 25 children gathered and selected their favourite pieces of playground equipment while the adults reviewed the possibility of outdoor adult fitness equipment, landscaping and beautification designs. The highlight of the morning, was the souvenir pictures the children all received of them and Mr. Kool Aid.

The planning committee is also proud to announce that the park will be officially named the Dr. Greg Ritson-Bennett Park. The late Dr. Ritson-Bennett was a tremendous advocate of recreation and leisure in the community. He was actively involved in the development of the towns arena and aquatic facilities; built many local playgrounds; was a founding member of the Dolphins Swim Club; and whenever there was a community initiative or need, Greg could always be counted on to contribute in some way. In addition to his community service, Dr. Ritson-Bennett took his skills as a dentist and his passion for “extending a helping hand” overseas. On four occasions Greg and his wife Virginia travelled to Guatemala to provide free dental services to several mountain villages. Family and friends will always remember him as the big guy with an even bigger heart with a desire to serve his community and the world.

The official naming ceremony will occur on Monday, March 10th at 10am at the park, located on 46 Avenue and 48 Street Innisfail. The planning committee will be joined by Mrs. Virginia Ritson-Bennett, Mayor Ken Graham, Councillor Tracey Walker, and ACE Communities representative Heather Fletcher. The ceremony also “kicks-off” the fundraising efforts of the local committee. The committee needs to raise a total
of $55,000 . Full sponsorship packages are available from the Town or any committee member. “We are thrilled to name the park after Dr. Ritson-Bennett,” says Cindy Dunbar, committee member. “One of our main outcomes for this initiative is to build a stronger sense of community in our neighbourhood and knowing the contributions that Dr. Ritson-Bennett made to building a stronger community in Innisfail it is indeed an honour to name the park after him.”

Although the planning and fundraising will occur over the next few months, on June 5th, it is hoped that hundreds of Innisfail residents will volunteer to be a part of a one-day event that will see the communities dreams come together and the park built! Anyone interested in getting involved is encouraged to check out the
website and “Join the Effort” www.innisfail.ltbk.ca .

Let Them Be Kids and Kool-Aid have partnered to help build stronger communities across Canada and help bring affordable fun and play to all children and families. Innisfail was selected as one of 10 communities to receive the Let Them Be Kids-Kool-Aid Smile Award, providing support and resources to help make this community project a success.

For local media inquiries please contact:

Shelley Gagnon OR Cindy Dunbar
Community Services Director, Town of Innisfail Playground Champion
4943 – 53 Street cindydunbar22@yahoo.ca
Innisfail, AB T4G 1A1

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