Dr. Greg Ritson-Bennett

Dr. Greg Ritson-Bennett

Saturday, May 22, 2010

13 days left - Stories of Hope

There are few remaining days before the park build, and there has been many people step forward in wonderful and surprising ways to show their heart and support for the spirit of the project. Here are a few stories we have cherished and we hope to post more:

Recently, a woman who had been a teacher for many years and is now retired stepped forward out of the blue with her financial contribution. She had witnessed over the years benefits children receive when given a safe place to play. She wanted us to know that our work was good and in the right place for building a stronger community foundation. Also, she had been a patient of Greg's for many years and thought if he were still alive he would be very involved in the project. She shared her memories of Greg and then wished us well.

Quite awhile back, when we were going door-to-door for dotmocracy day one of the volunteers encountered a man that was astonished and pleased to be invited an opportunity to be part of a neighborhood grassroots venture. He commented that he had been living in Innisfail for quite some time and had NEVER been invited to share his thoughts about the place he lived in or asked to contribute. He offered his support.

A large service group was meeting after being approached for a donation. While the group went back and forth on their decision and became divided, a small strong voice countered all opinion and struck a chord. She quietly stated that they were a service group, and what more where they there for? Children need a place to play. How could they help?
The cheque to the park committee came in the next day.

These stories are not news headliners but they are examples of how people, when their heart and mind is in the right place, can make a difference.

We have heard people complain, make excuses and criticise. Do these things ever help?

Like Ian Hill said while visiting for Envision Innisfail, "You can't talk community, you have to DO community." He also said, "If we always do what is always done, then we'll always get what we've already got."

What challenging thoughts!!!

How can you make your community thrive?

How can you make your contribution and make a change?


jeremy bouw said...

great post! i am very excited about June 5th!

Anonymous said...

This project has been about so much more than a playground. It has brought a community together and next Saturday will be an amazing day of work, fellowship and fun! See you there.