Dr. Greg Ritson-Bennett

Dr. Greg Ritson-Bennett

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Old Playground Goes Down

I don't know what is harder to believe - that we had this much snow on May 5th, or that we are really going forward with building this new playground!  The crew moved in on Wednesday morning to take out the old playground and begin the landscaping and site preparation necessary for our big build day - JUNE 5th....which is only 31 days away!
Over the next couple of days, more work will be done on the site to get it ready and the local organizing committee is really getting excited about this playground, and we hope you are, too.

Please be sure to sign up as a volunteer (if you have not already done so).  And if you already signed up - have all of your friends, too?  We need many hands to help and many people to celebrate with.

Join the Effort!  Get Involved!

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